Ajhay Krishna K S 

B.E Mech | Independent Music Director | Music Teacher

My Sincere Thanks to Masters 
  • Mr. Augustin Paul sir for Theory of music and composition
  • Mr. Jonath Backia Seelan sir for Piano.
  • Late. Mr. Ellan Kumar sir for Keyboard and theory.
  • Mr. Loganathan sir for being part of Magathi Children's Orchestra.
  • Mr. Kirubakaran sir for Primary Keyboard.

Passionate on What you Do.

I was a busy child learning music and handling academics. Finished my Grade 8 in Theory of music and composition and keyboard at my 10th std. and did Grade 7 in Piano under ABRSM. Kick started my music direction at 2016 when I was doing my 1st year at college and also started taking music classes from 2017. Now, doing my music productions and taking music classes is my full time profession. 


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